New Forest

Day trips and breaks

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Discover the best day trips and breaks for every type of traveller, whether you’re heading on a business trip, romantic weekend or family getaway. From budget staycations to fun-filled days out, find everything you need to plan an unforgettable trip.

Spending a couple of days in a new city? Browse our 48-hour guides, packed with sights and attractions you can’t miss. Or check out our staycation ideas – perfect for recharging away from the urban bustle.

Book tickets in advance and check SWR rewards to make your experience even better. Join us as we uncover the best things to do in destinations across our network, ensuring your getaway is nothing short of extraordinary.

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A romantic couple's getaway to London
Discover a romantic getaway in London with SWR

A romantic couple's getaway to London

Our guide will give you tips for your whole trip, including indoor and outdoor activities, places to eat and the best places to stay

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Budget medieval staycation: Winchester vs. York
Winchester Cathedral

Budget medieval staycation: Winchester vs. York

Looking for a historic getaway? Read our guide to discover the best medieval staycation on a budget and travel back in time

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Budget port staycation: Southampton vs. Liverpool
48 hours in Southampton

Budget port staycation: Southampton vs. Liverpool

From museums to boat rides, there’s something for every age. But which city gives you the best value for money?

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The best wellness retreats in the South West
best wellness retreats south west

The best wellness retreats in the South West

We’ve put together a list of some of the best wellness retreats across our network. Get planning today

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Woodland retreats in the South West
Mallinsons woodland retreat

Woodland retreats in the South West

Looking for a peaceful woodland retreat? Discover relaxing getaways perfect for couples, families and nature enthusiasts alike

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48 hours in Salisbury

48 hours in Salisbury

With its quaint old buildings and historical monuments, a trip to Salisbury will leave you feeling like you’ve stepped back in time

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48 hours in Poole
Sandbanks beach

48 hours in Poole

This coastal town in Dorset is known for its sandy beaches and natural harbour, making it the perfect location for a short break

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Couples getaway in Bournemouth
Bournemouth Pier

Couples getaway in Bournemouth

Looking for a perfect romantic getaway? Take a trip to the seaside & enjoy all Bournemouth has to offer

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Days out in Surrey
Surrey Hills

Days out in Surrey

From parks and museums to activities and restaurants, start planning your ultimate Surrey day out

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9 UK destinations that look like abroad
Amazing locations that feel like they're abroad

9 UK destinations that look like abroad

Discover the top UK destinations that make you feel like you’ve stepped off the plane

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