New Forest

Day trips and breaks

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Discover the best day trips and breaks for every type of traveller, whether you’re heading on a business trip, romantic weekend or family getaway. From budget staycations to fun-filled days out, find everything you need to plan an unforgettable trip.

Spending a couple of days in a new city? Browse our 48-hour guides, packed with sights and attractions you can’t miss. Or check out our staycation ideas – perfect for recharging away from the urban bustle.

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48 hours in Weymouth
If you’re looking for your next weekend away Weymouth is a seaside town that has everything you’re after!

48 hours in Weymouth

Why not Weymouth? If you’re looking for your next weekend away, this seaside town has everything you’re after!

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48 hours in Wimbledon
48 hours in Wimbledon with South Western Railway

48 hours in Wimbledon

Not just for tennis fans, Wimbledon offers the perfect weekend away

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48 hours in Reading
A sports rowboat on the River Kennet in Reading

48 hours in Reading

Looking for your next weekend break? Choose Reading for the perfect city escape!

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A car-free family weekend in Dorking
Discover a car-free family weekend in Dorking with SWR

A car-free family weekend in Dorking

Ready for your next family adventure? Hop on a train to Dorking!

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The most scenic camping spots in the south west
Find the best scenic camping spots with SWR

The most scenic camping spots in the south west

Looking for the perfect place to pitch your tent? Follow our guide!

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48 hours on the Isle of Wight
Discover a 48-hour break on the Isle of Wight with SWR

48 hours on the Isle of Wight

Discover how to spend the perfect weekend on the Isle of Wight

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A car-free long weekend in Dorset
Discover a car free weekend in Dorset with SWR

A car-free long weekend in Dorset

Embrace the best of Dorset without the need for a car with our guide

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48 hours in London
Discover the best things to do on a 48-hour break in London with SWR

48 hours in London

Planning a weekend in London? Our 48-hour itinerary is jam-packed full of some of the very best things to do

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48 hours in Exeter
48 hours in Exeter with South Western Railway

48 hours in Exeter

Discover the beauty of Exeter and all the best things to do

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48 hours in Christchurch and Lymington
48 hour guide to Christchurch and Lymington

48 hours in Christchurch and Lymington

Discover a weekend's worth of activities in two jewels on the Hampshire and Dorset coast

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