Rover Train Tickets and Ranger Train Tickets

Save money and get unlimited travel with our Rover train tickets and Ranger train tickets

What are Ranger train tickets and Rover train tickets?

Rangers and Rovers train tickets give you unlimited off-peak travel for a day, or even longer. They're great for day trips or short breaks exploring destinations on our network.
Save money on top attractions with SWR Rewards offering you discounts with every ticket.

You can get unlimited travel in your chosen area when you buy Ranger (1-day) and Rover tickets. Buy tickets at any staffed station or online through the link below:

Buy tickets

See all the Ranger train tickets and Rover train tickets available in the UK.

Find the South Western Railways Ranger or Rover ticket for you below:

1. All Line Rail Rover
2. Freedom of Devon & Cornwall
3. Freedom of Severn & Solent
4. Freedom of the South West
5. Freedom Travelpass
6. Heart of Wessex Day Ranger
7. Island Line Day Ranger
8. Thames Rover
9. Waterside Wanderer Day Ranger
10. Hover Rover Rail (to the Isle of Wight)
11. West Wight Wanderer Day Ranger

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