Train tickets to the Isle of Wight

Save when travelling to and from the Isle of Wight

Buy combined ferry and train tickets to the Isle of Wight

Can you get a train to the Isle of Wight?

You can conveniently reach the Isle of Wight by train and ferry. The Isle of Wight is connected to the mainland of England by a ferry service, and there is a train station located at the ferry terminal on the mainland side. Passengers can take a train to Portsmouth and Lymington and then board a ferry to reach the Isle of Wight. The ferry journey typically takes around 10 to 15 minutes.

You could save time and money by booking your ferry and train tickets all in one place with a combined ticket. With one ticket, you can skip the queues at ferry ticket offices and be on your way.

How do I get cheap tickets to and from the Isle of Wight?

Combined ferry and train tickets could work out cheaper than buying your tickets separately. The best way to buy a train ticket for the Isle of Wight is through our app. Discounts are available for children and you can save even more with most Railcards.

Find out how you can buy a combined ferry and train ticket to travel between the mainland and Isle of Wight at the following locations:

Portsmouth – Ryde
Southampton – Cowes
Lymington – Yarmouth

How do I buy a combined ferry and train ticket?

Combined train and ferry tickets can be bought online, on our app or at your local ticket office.

We advise customers to keep hold of their tickets to show staff on each part of their journey.

Travel with Hovertravel, Red Funnel, Quayconnect and Wightlink will be subject to their respective conditions of travel.


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