Beach Huts in Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth

About us

The journey starts here

Social Value Report

Read our first Social Value Report to see what we're doing to improve our local communities and our region

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Independent performance review

Our blueprint to help us improve performance

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Our plan

Our plan

Investing in our network, our people and the community

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Community Rail Partnerships

Find out about our Community Rail Partnerships and Station Adoption schemes

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Stakeholder Annual Report

Download and read the report

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About FirstGroup and MTR

About FirstGroup and MTR

Find out more about the companies running the new South Western Railway

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Take a look at what its like to work at South Western Railway

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Passenger's Charter

Passenger's Charter

Our commitment to you

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Check out our latest punctuality and reliability figures

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Customer Report

Download the customer report

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Media and news

Media and news

Read our latest news articles and understand our media opportunities

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