When can I buy an Anytime ticket?
You can buy Anytime tickets from 12 weeks in advance, right up until the day you’re due to travel (usually up to 10 minutes before departure).
How can I buy an Anytime ticket?
You can buy your tickets on our website or SWR app, or at the station.
Find out more about ways to buy your ticket.
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Are there any extra discounts on Anytime tickets?
With a Railcard, you can save up to 1/3 on your Anytime tickets on Standard Class fares. If you’ve got a Senior railcard, HM Forces or Disabled Persons Railcard you can also save up to 1/3 on First Class fares.
Children and young people can save even more – there’s a 50% discount for children aged 5-15, and 50% off adult Anytime fares for anyone with a 16-17 Saver Railcard.
Can I break my journey with an Anytime ticket?
You can break your journey at any point or more than once if you wish with an Anytime train ticket.
I need to travel on a different train - can I change my ticket?
With an Anytime train ticket you can catch any train you like – there’s no need to change your ticket if you need to travel on a different train.
What happens if I miss my next train because of a delay?
If you miss your train you can use your Anytime ticket on the next one or any other train on your valid date(s) of travel.
If a delay on one of our trains means you end up being 15 minutes late or more to your destination, you can claim compensation under our Delay Repay scheme.
There are engineering works now and I don't want to travel. Can I get a refund?
If there's a change in journey times or mode of travel (such as a bus replacement service) and you no longer want to travel you can claim a full refund on the unused tickets from your original retailer.
If you're buying your tickets more than six weeks before you travel, we always recommend that you check timetables including the planned engineering work timetable.