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Day trips and breaks

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The best staycations in the South West
Windsor Castle and the Long Walk

The best staycations in the South West

Plan your UK getaway with our guide to the best staycations across the South West from action-packed city breaks to slower country retreats

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South West Festival Guide
A crowd at a festival

South West Festival Guide

Discover the best festivals across the South West of England with our curated guide, from music to literature, there's something for everyone!

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Budget seaside staycation: Portsmouth vs. Brighton

Budget seaside staycation: Portsmouth vs. Brighton

Portsmouth and Brighton are perfect for seaside staycations, with plenty to see and do – but which is best for budgets?

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Budget market town staycation: Windsor vs. Warwick
Windsor Castle and the Long Walk

Budget market town staycation: Windsor vs. Warwick

Explore ancient castles and museums, and discover everything that the historic market towns of Windsor and Warwick have to offer

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Budget historical staycation: Salisbury vs. Canterbury
Salisbury town centre

Budget historical staycation: Salisbury vs. Canterbury

Ready to unleash your inner history buff? Discover which is the best historical destination on a budget with our staycation guide

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The best bank holiday getaways
Find the best bank holiday getaways with SWR

The best bank holiday getaways

Planning a bank holiday trip? Whether you're after a city escape or a nature-filled long weekend we've got you covered.

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Spring staycation: family Easter breaks
Discover the best things to do on a 48-hour break in London with SWR

Spring staycation: family Easter breaks

If you’re looking for a seaside retreat or city break this Easter, our guide to the best family spring Easter staycations has you covered

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Plan an unforgettable Mother's Day getaway
Plan an unforgettable mothers day with SWR

Plan an unforgettable Mother's Day getaway

If you’re still searching for Mother’s Day ideas, treat them to a memorable weekend getaway

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The best and cheapest castle hotels in the UK
Cave Castle

The best and cheapest castle hotels in the UK

Discover the best, and most inexpensive, castle hotels the UK has to offer with South Western Railway for a fairy-tale escape

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48 hours in Kingston
Kingston upon Thames bridge in South West London - great place for a 48 hour escape

48 hours in Kingston

A weekend in the riverside market town of Kingston upon Thames offers everything from Tudor history to artisan coffee

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