We know how important it is to be kept up to date with information about your journey, especially if your train is delayed or cancelled.
You can now stay on top of train running status updates by signing up to receive personalized travel updates directly to your device or set up alerts on our website for your specific journey and/or stations.
So now you won't be left in the dark if things don't go as planned!
Sign up for live train travel status updates
You can receive live train time updates delivered to your device via WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.
Once signed up, you will be sent tailored, up-to-date travel information about your journey directly to the messaging option you chose.
We know how important it is to be kept up to date with information about your journey, especially if your train is delayed or cancelled.
Information includes
- Updates on delays or disruptions for your journey and whether you are eligible for compensation.
- Alternative trains should your train be delayed or cancelled.
- Transport options to help you complete the first and last mile of your journey.
Sign-up is easy! Use the tool below to set up alerts for a regular journey and you will also find the Keep me updated button on our Journey planner routes pages and on station pages across the website.