Assisted travel information
Assistance navigating through the station and getting on and off trains (by ramp if required) is available during station staffing hours (see Staff Help available times) . You can now book assistance up to 2 hours before your journey. You can also travel without booking, just make yourself known to staff as far in advance as possible of the train you would like to get - we recommend at least 20 minutes. There are no staff on the trains that call at this station that can assist. The meeting point for assisted travel is the gateline in the booking hall, or if unstaffed, the ticket office or you can use the help point.Where staff are not available at the station to assist, we now have a mobile Assistance Team who can be deployed to stations. This can be arranged in advance by booking through Customer Services or by using the Help Point on the station (although inevitably there will be a delay if not booked in advance) - alternatively a taxi can be arranged, at no additional cost, to convey you to the nearest station where you can be assisted further.
Assisted travel contact details
0345 322 7021 or Text relay 18001 0345 322 7021 Freephone 0800 783 4524 or Text Relay 18001 0800 783 4524
Assisted travel opening hours
*Helpline closed on Christmas Day