Travelling with us

Explore stations, routes and the experience on board our trains

Our train stations

View live departures and arrivals, station facilities and accessibility information at train stations across our network

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On board facilities

What will you find on board our trains? Wi-Fi, quiet zones, First Class and more

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Our trains

Find out more about the trains we use across the SWR network

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Find out more about how we're performing

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Car Parking

Car parks are available at most of our stations, offering daily parking and parking season tickets for commuters.

Park your car

Assisted travel

If you need travel assistance, let us know in advance and we'll be happy to help.

Book assistance
Travelling with a bike

Travelling with a bike

Planning on taking a bike on the train? Here's what you need to know.

Bring a bike on board

Staying Safe

See  It. Say It. Sorted. We want you to feel safe when you travel with us

Find out more

Having your ticket checked

Your ticket may be checked on train or at one of our stations by uniformed or plain clothes ticket inspectors, both of whom will carry identification . At stations we may sometimes use agency staff to man the entrances and exits, they will wear a yellow Hi-Vis vest and will always be accompanied by a uniformed member of our Revenue Team.

On train you may get your ticket checked by the guard, or in the London area we have some additional on train ticket checkers armed with an electronic device to check Oyster and contactless payment. These additional ticket checkers should have a visible name badge with Transport Investigations Ltd and SWR on it. They do not handle cash.