Pay as you go with contactless extension

Pay as you go with contactless extension FAQs

Introduction to pay as you go with contactless

What is pay as you go with contactless?
What are the benefits of contactless?
When is pay as you go with contactless being introduced?
Which South Western Railway stations will be getting pay as you go with contactless?
Where can I use pay as you go with contactless?
Do I have to travel inside a London zone to use contactless?
Why isn’t my station getting pay as you go with contactless?
Is my station becoming part of a London zone?
My station already has contactless - is anything changing for me?

Using Pay As You Go with Contactless

Who can use contactless?
How can I pay?
Can I mix and match touching in and out with my card, phone and watch?
Can I use contactless and travel in First Class?
Can I use my Railcard with pay as you go with contactless?
Can I pay for more than 1 person with my contactless card?
Can I pay for my child with my contactless card?

Peak & Off-Peak Travel

Why did peak and off-peak times change?
What are the peak and off-peak times on pay as you go with contactless?
What if I am travelling from outside London into London Zones 1-9 during the evening peak?
If I use traditional ticketing methods (paper, e-tickets etc), will the new peak and off-peak times still affect me?

Fares & Ticketing

Have any fares changed?
Why did fares need to change?
How much does contactless cost?
Is pay as you go with contactless the cheapest option for me?

Daily & Weekly Capping

What is capping with pay as you go with contactless?
How does capping with contactless work?
Can I still buy a traditional ticket?
Can I still buy a return ticket?
Can I still use my Oyster card?
Can I still use my SWR Touch Smartcard?
Why can't I buy a Evening Out/Sunday Out or Super Off-Peak ticket anymore?
Is it better to touch in with my SWR Touch Smartcard or with contactless on the day?
I use weekly, monthly, annual or Flexi Season tickets – is contactless right for me?

Refunds & Compensation

I think I’ve been charged too much – what do I do?
Can I still use Automated Delay Repay with contactless?
How do I apply for Delay Repay with contactless?
I have a problem with contactless – who do I need to contact?